PPI Claims Management Software
Advanced PPI software the key to managing your PPI claims load.
The PPI software you deploy in your claims business is key to keeping on top of your claims workload and running your operation successfully, efficiently and profitably.
Choosing between PPI software solutions may in the past have seemed unimportant. This is no longer the case, however.
The continuing emergence of customers with PPI claims, including those who had previously been unaware as to whether they had been sold PPI or not, but who have responded to recent marketing campaigns, means that new waves of claimants are likely to continue for several years.

Why the right PPI Claims Management Software is so important.
Managing the flow of new PPI claims, while continuing to progress those claims for PPI compensation already open on your books, will make heavy, ongoing demands on both your IT and human resources.
Designed-for-purpose PPI claims management software will help you to address this. It will help you keep the number of employees required to manage your claims under control, and will also free valuable, expert team members of repetitive process tasks, enabling them to concentrate on critical matters.
The issues good PPI Software will help you overcome.
Companies with good PPI claim systems in place have found that having effective software for managing PPI claims enables them to deal swiftly and efficiently with the routine challenges of keeping their caseloads moving forward.
Basic PPI claim requirements like getting clients to return completed forms of authority can be managed with greater efficiency by an automated system that sends out chasers and tracks status rather than requiring letters, emails or calls to be undertaken manually.
Similarly, chasing banks for letters of acknowledgement of a new PPI claim is more efficiently and cost effectively handled by good PPI software than by even the best organised, and most patient of team members.
At the other end of the process, the communications and arrangements involved in agreeing, scheduling and chasing payment from successful claimants are again easier to handle, keep track of and scale using good claims management software.
In terms of managing your own business rather than simply of managing the claims, a good PPI claim system also makes it simple to build accurate financial projections in line with the progress of your caseload.

Logiclaim PPI Claims Management Software.
Logiclaim is a dedicated PPI software solution used by some of the UK’s leading claims firms.
Developed by Logican a business process management software developer, in contrast to many other PPI claims systems the powerful Logiclaim software lets you automate every stage of the claims in your caseload.
All chaser emails and SMS messages are sent out automatically at the appropriate stages, and documents are automatically printed in bulk when they are due.
A comprehensive scanning suite with barcode functionality built into the PPI software automatically links incoming documents to the relevant claims and automatically schedules the appropriate responses.
Unlike other PPI claims software, Logiclaim also gives you the facility to bulk upload documents so these may be printed offsite.
Managing payment using the Logiclaim PPI Claims Software.
It’s not only the efficiency of Logiclaim in managing the progress of a caseload that has won it recognition as one of the industry’s foremost PPI claims management systems.
This UK engineered PPI software also contributes real value to the scheduling and collection of payments.
The system automates chasers for outstanding invoices, and includes a payment plan module so that clients can be permitted to make payment in instalments. The PPI software can even be integrated with the Realex Payment Gateway so that payments are taken automatically on their due date. The system’s scheduling of payment plans can also be incorporated into its management reports, providing financial projections that accurately reflect current agreements.